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Busy indicator in angularjs

Busy indicator directive

'use strict'; define(['angular'], function () { var busyIndicatorDirective = function ($q, $timeout, $window, httpInterceptor) { return { restrict: 'EA', //transclude: true, scope: { indicatorDelay: "@" }, //templateUrl: 'CommonComponents/Controls/BusyIndicator/busyIndicator.html', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var overlayContainer = null, timerPromise = null, timerPromiseHide = null, inSession = false, queue = []; init(); function init() { wireUpHttpInterceptor(); if (window.jQuery) wirejQueryInterceptor(); overlayContainer = document.getElementById('overlay-container'); } //Hook into httpInterceptor factory request/response/responseError functions function wireUpHttpInterceptor() { httpInterceptor.request = function (config) { processRequest(config.method); return config || $q.when(config); }; httpInterceptor.response = function (response) { processResponse(); return response || $q.when(response); }; httpInterceptor.responseError = function (rejection) { processResponse(); return $q.reject(rejection); }; } //Monitor jQuery Ajax calls in case it's used in an app function wirejQueryInterceptor() { $(document).ajaxStart(function () { processRequest(); }); $(document).ajaxComplete(function () { //processResponse(); }); $(document).ajaxError(function () { //processResponse(); }); } function processRequest(method) { queue.push({}); if (queue.length == 1) { if (method === 'GET') { timerPromise = $timeout(function () { if (queue.length) showOverlay(); }, scope.indicatorDelay ? scope.indicatorDelay : 500); //Delay showing for 500 millis to avoid flicker } else if (method === 'POST') { if (queue.length) showOverlay(); } } } function processResponse() { queue.pop(); if (queue.length == 0) { //Since we don't know if another XHR request will be made, pause before //hiding the overlay. If another XHR request comes in then the overlay //will stay visible which prevents a flicker timerPromiseHide = $timeout(function () { //Make sure queue is still 0 since a new XHR request may have come in //while timer was running if (queue.length == 0) { hideOverlay(); if (timerPromiseHide) $timeout.cancel(timerPromiseHide); } }, scope.indicatorDelay ? scope.indicatorDelay : 500); } } function showOverlay() { var w = 0; var h = 0; if (!$window.innerWidth) { if (!(document.documentElement.clientWidth == 0)) { w = document.documentElement.clientWidth; h = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { w = document.body.clientWidth; h = document.body.clientHeight; } } else { w = $window.innerWidth; h = $window.innerHeight; } var content = document.getElementById('overlay-content'); var contentWidth = parseInt(getComputedStyle(content, 'width').replace('px', '')); var contentHeight = parseInt(getComputedStyle(content, 'height').replace('px', '')); = h / 2 - contentHeight / 2 + 'px'; = w / 2 - contentWidth / 2 + 'px'; = 'block'; } function hideOverlay() { if (timerPromise) $timeout.cancel(timerPromise); = 'none'; } var getComputedStyle = function () { var func = null; if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { func = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle; } else if (typeof (document.body.currentStyle) !== "undefined") { func = function (element, anything) { return element["currentStyle"]; }; } return function (element, style) { return func(element, null)[style]; } }(); } } }, httpProvider = function ($httpProvider) { $httpProvider.interceptors.push('httpInterceptor'); }, httpInterceptor = function () { return {} }; var busyIndicatorApp = angular.module('busy.Indicator', []); //Empty factory to hook into $httpProvider.interceptors //Directive will hookup request, response, and responseError interceptors busyIndicatorApp.factory('httpInterceptor', httpInterceptor); //Hook httpInterceptor factory into the $httpProvider interceptors so that we can monitor XHR calls busyIndicatorApp.config(['$httpProvider', httpProvider]); //Directive that uses the httpInterceptor factory above to monitor XHR calls //When a call is made it displays an overlay and a content area //No attempt has been made at this point to test on older browsers busyIndicatorApp.directive('busyIndicator', ['$q', '$timeout', '$window', 'httpInterceptor', busyIndicatorDirective]); });

//use this html into your index.html page
<div data-busy-indicator="" data-indicator-delay="500"> <div id="overlay-container" class="overlayContainer"> <div id="overlay-background" class="overlayBackground"></div> <div id="overlay-content" class="overlayContent"> <br /> <img src="/Content/images/spinner.gif" />&nbsp;&nbsp;Loading </div> </div> </div>
/*Busy Indicator*/ /* wcOverlay directive CSS styles */ .overlayContainer { display: none;} .overlayBackground { top:0px; left:0px; padding-left:100px; position:absolute; z-index:1000; height:100%; width:100%; background-color:#EEEEEE; opacity:0.3; } .overlayContent { position:absolute; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD; background-color:#FAFAFA; font-weight: bold; height: 100px; width: 300px; z-index:99999; text-align:center; }

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